MCM’s Faith Statement

The purpose and desire of MCM is to serve Christian individuals who have felt the call of God for cross-cultural ministry. They live with the conviction that the Lord wants them to carry the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ around the world, developing churches, training folk who can, in turn, train others in godly, wholesome, honest, integral and productive lives.

MCM is inherently designed as a servicing agency that services missionaries from doctrinal stances across the spectrum of main-line Christianity. Being that MCM is of a biblical and evangelical stance, candidates are interviewed to get an understanding of their position, training, experience and call of God. Our desire is to know those who work among us and to accept those who will live and minister according to the spiritual and moral practices set forth in I Timothy, II Timothy and Titus. Being that all Christians are called to BE to the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:12), and that missionaries are to be examples before believers and non-believers alike, (I Tim. 3:7; 4:12) we accept those who have a life that exemplifies the highest of God’s calling. In doing so, we do not assume or override the authority of the respective local churches.

Normally, a doctrinal statement’s purpose is to delineate between ideological beliefs for the purpose of banding together like-minded members and to distinguish one group from another. MCM serves missionaries who have as the central point the Lord Jesus Christ and a full understanding of salvation, God’s grace and ones relationship with Him.

MCM has adopted a faith stance that keeps within the scope of the great Commission (Matt. 28:19) and avoids positions that could fracture and disassociate MCM from missionaries that need their services.

1.      We believe in one God in three person, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2.      We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, died, buried, resurrected in the flesh, and ascended into heaven. We believe He is now seated at the right hand of  God the Father, and is true God, ever making intercession for us. He is Lord of all.

3.      We believe that the Holy Spirit is true God, our Sanctifier, our Teacher, our Comforter and our Enabler.

4.      We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and conduct.

5.      We believe in personal salvation through faith in the redemption wrought in Jesus’ death upon the cross, His burial and resurrection. Salvation does not come through any merit or worthiness of our own, but alone through the merits of the life and death of Jesus. HE was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification (Romans 4:25).

6.      We believe that because He is God, and because He has redeemed us, that all areas of our life and being are to be under Jesus’ lordship (II Cor.5:15).

7.      We believe in sanctification through the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit, in personal holiness of heart and life, as worked out by grace through Jesus Christ, who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13; Titus 2:11-12).

8.      We believe that God is God; that He has an opinion on all matters concerning human life and behavior and that He has a design He is working out in our lives. That He is unchanging, unlimited and unending. That we submit to Him and not the other way around.

9.      We believe in baptism by immersion as a step of obedience to the Lord and that it is a public sign of our personal identification with His death, burial and resurrection.

10.  We believe that when we partake of the Lord’s Supper we are commemorating Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, and that as often as we do it, we do it in remembrance of Him until He returns.

11.  We believe in the Christian’s hope … the soon coming personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. That we should encourage each other in this hope and conduct our lives in a manner that pleases Him, seeing that that day approaches (Heb. 10:25).

12.  We believe in evangelization and missionary work throughout the world in accordance with the Christian commission (Matt. 28:19), and that all God’s people should be involved in fulfilling this commission in some way.

13.  We believe that all true Christian believers should live uprightly and that the world should be able to see Jesus in us by the love we have toward one another (John 13:3515:17).

We took a step of faith and started this ministry, and then we started looking for an organization that this ministry might fit under. We could find no one organization that this new start up ministry would fit under. We quickly realized we needed to start our own 501c3, but in the meantime, we needed to start doing fund-raising and wanted a way for supporters to get tax deductible credit for their support. MCM filled that void for us. Without MCM and their support this first year and half, we would have been struggling to find ways to be supported. Thank you Don and Cheryl for your help and support!

Drew and Tracie Wells
The Doorstep Project, Northern Illinois University

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